A 3-player card game where players grow a garden of cards.
Start with 3 cards (flowers) in your hand, and build your own best bouquet by planting, trimming and harvesting. Playable with JUST a deck of poker!
featured in USC Game Expo 2024
“Although the game originated as a final project for the system design class in USC, the final product made it into one of the only three board games in USC Game Expo 2024. When the assignment asked us to build a game including a system with only a deck of poker, I wanted to think outside of the box. When you think about what a deck of poker can do, normally people are expecting something like how to deal cards. But I asked myself and the team, what can we do with the physics of a card? I realized people barely use the 4 corners of the card, like physically. Why can’t we build something off of connecting the corners maybe…? As we play tested random rules within the team, the massive expansion of card that took over the entire table shocked me because you never see this happen in any forms of card game. But what can we do to avoid the endless expansion (not everyone has a huge table QAQ): we could collect them as we go! Going back to the 4 corners of the card, what if we can collect bunch of cards if one card’s all 4 corners are filled… And that’s how bouquet comes to life. “
—— Designer Notes
Designer, Artist
Designed the card placement mechanic.
Created all card designs using Procreate.
May 2024